Lightning thief book
Lightning thief book

Completing his quest and meeting Poseidon along with Zeus helps Percy feel more secure with who he is and with his family situation-especially since Hades agrees to return Mom. An honorable person, Percy insists on carrying the bolt back to Zeus himself, even if it means taking the risk of flying and risking Zeus’s wrath. When, in the Underworld, Percy discovers that the god Ares tricked him by planting the thunderbolt with Percy, Percy takes it upon himself to figure out what happened. While Percy continues to feel abandoned by Poseidon and to focus more on rescuing Mom from the Underworld, Percy gradually becomes more accepting of his dad. He discovers that he’s a skilled swordsman with Riptide, a sword that Poseidon left for him, and he begins to rethink his thoughts on Poseidon. Along the journey, Percy shows himself to be impulsive, overly-trusting, and occasionally rash. Along with Grover and Annabeth, a daughter of Athena, Percy journeys west from New York to retrieve Zeus’s stolen thunderbolt from Hades. Because of Percy’s parentage, the centaur Chiron decides to send Percy on a quest. Percy’s dad, whom he thought died, is the Greek god Poseidon, who later claims him. Percy winds up at Camp Half-Blood and discovers that his ADHD and dyslexia aren’t problems like he thought they were they’re normal for kids who are demigods, or the children of one Greek god and one mortal parent. This begins to change when, after a year of seeing and experiencing odd things, the Minotaur interrupts Mom and Percy’s trip to the coast and seems to kill her. Because of this, at the start of the novel, the only bright spots in Percy’s life are his new friend Grover and his strong relationship with Mom he feels like a failure in many other ways. Percy struggles with ADHD, dyslexia, and getting into trouble, so he’s been expelled every year since he started school. This gives Percy the strength to also decide to go home, and their friendship gives him something to look forward to for the following summer.Percy is the 12-year-old protagonist of the novel. Once their quest is complete, Annabeth shares with Percy that she’s taken his advice to make up with her dad to heart and is going to go home for the school year. Cerberus’s heartbreaking and dog-like reaction shows Annabeth and Percy that even monsters need love and attention, and this has a profound effect on Annabeth emotionally.

lightning thief book

A skilled strategist, Annabeth comes up with a variety of the trio’s plans, most notably the plan to treat Cerberus like a normal dog in order to gain access to the Underworld. She eventually pledges that if the gods go to war, she’ll fight with Percy and Grover, no matter what side her mom is on. Over the course of the friends’ quest, however, Annabeth begins to reevaluate this and tamp down on some of her rude behavior. Annabeth is upset when Poseidon turns out to be Percy’s father, as she believes that as Athena’s daughter, she must hold the same rivalries as her mom does (and therefore can’t be friends with Percy, as Athena and Poseidon are rivals). She wants to be an architect and build monuments to the gods in the long term, but in the short term, she desperately wants to go on a quest and prove herself. As a daughter of Athena, Annabeth is smart and bookish, but she also struggles to sit still, like most half-bloods do. Because of this, Annabeth chooses to stay at Camp Half-Blood year-round, though she does wear her dad’s class ring on her camp necklace.

lightning thief book

Like many demigods, she struggles with feeling abandoned she explains that Athena left her with her dad, a professor, but that her dad was uninterested in having children and his new wife hates Annabeth. Annabeth is blonde, Percy’s age, and has been at Camp Half-Blood since she was seven. Annabeth is one of Percy’s best friends and a daughter of the goddess Athena.

Lightning thief book